
Within this category you can find compressors of all types, both new and used, produced by leading companies in the sector, such as ABAC.

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Professional air compressors

Compressors are machines used for the compression of gases and vapors in order to generate a "force". They can be used to inflate the tires of various means of transport, including cars, bicycles, motorcycles and campers, or for painting and sandblasting. There are various types of compressors:

  • Dry compressor;
  • Oil compressor;
  • Portable air compressor;
  • Screw compressor;
  • Piston compressor.

On Sidermac you will find a wide selection of compressors suitable for every need and of various kinds, especially thanks to the collaboration with ABAC and our supply of used machinery, deriving from companies subjected to bankruptcy, insolvency procedures or following the termination of a contract of leasing, auctions, liquidations or simple disposal.

Contact us at 0422 202139 and request your quote for a prefessional compressor.

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